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Japanese Cooking 4

Japanese Cooking 4
~Serve 4~

Dashimaki Tamago (だしまき玉子)

4 Egg 1 tablespoon oil
2 tablespoons sugar 1/4 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon Hondashi (powder) 2 tablespoons milk

1. Mix sugar, salt, hondashi and milk thoroughly. Then warm it up for 20seconds in microwave.
2. Break the eggs into a bowl, and beat with a folk. Add 1 into the bowl.
3. Grease a non-stick frying pan with the oil and heat.
4. Put the eggs into a pan and swirl it around the pan to set like a crape. Roll it up to the end, then add the egg again, and roll. Repeat until half of eggs are used up.
5. Repeat 4 again to make an another omlet. Then cut.

Horenso Oshitashi (ほうれん草 お浸し)

1 bunch spinach
6g katsuobushi(bonito flakes) 1 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoons Shirodashi 6 tablespoons water

1. Put plenty of water in a pan and bring to a boil. Add salt.
2. Put spinach into a boiled water, and simmer for 3 minutes.
3. Rince with cold water. Squeeze.
4. Cut the spinach into 5-7 cm long.
5. Mix Shirodashi and water, and pour it over the spinach.
6. Garnish with katsuobushi.

Futomaki (太巻き)

3 cup cooked rice 2 sheet nori (seaweed)
1/4 cup rice vinegar 1/4 tablespoon sugar
1 pinch salt & Hondashi (powder) 1 cucumber
4 Kanikama (crabstick, or any fish) 4 piece Dashimaki Tamago
50g boiled spinach 1 tablespoon sesame

1. Mix vinegar, sugar, salt and Hondashi in a bowl, heat 30seconds in a microwave.
2. Pour over the rice(must be hot), and mix very tender.
3. Cut cucumber, Kanikama, spinach, and Dashimaki Tamago to fit the length of seaweed.
4. On the SUMAKI, put the seaweed, then spread the rice. And put 3 on the rice.
(the position is very important! It will be explained when you see)
5. Roll it to the end. Then cut into 6-8 pieces and serve with soy sauce.

Salmon Foil Yaki  (鮭ホイル焼き)

4 piece Salmon (Kirimi) 1 pack Shimeji Mushroom
80g Enoki Mushroom 2 Shitake Mushroom
1 Garlic clove 1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoon Miso (Soybean paste) 2 tablespoon margarine (or butter)
1 pinch salt & Hondashi 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce

1. Chop the garlic and mix with sugar, Miso, margarine, salt, Hondashi and soy sauce.
2. In the foil(30cm X 30cm), put the salmon, spread 1, and put three kind of mushrooms on the salmon, and wrap it up.
3. Heat in a oven (250~300℃) about 15 minutes.

Wakame Soup  (わかめスープ)

2 tablespoon Wakame seaweed 4 tablespoon Shirodashi
1 egg 4 cup water

In a saucepan, bring water to a boil, and put Shirodashi & wakame, then egg.Mix well.

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